Mazda 3 since 2003
1. Operation and maintenance of the car
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
6.1. General information
6.2. Brake system
6.2.1. Check and adjustment of elements of the brake system
6.2.2. Check of level of brake fluid in a tank of a hydraulic actuator of the working brake system
6.2.3. Removal of air from the brake system
6.2.4. Check of the backpressure valve of a vacuum hose (amplifier of brakes)
6.2.5. Removal and installation of a vacuum hose (amplifier of brakes)
6.2.6. Removal and installation of a pedal of a brake
6.2.7. Removal and installation of the main brake cylinder
6.2.8. Check of the sensor of level of liquid
6.2.9. Removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
6.2.10. Check of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
6.2.11. Dismantling and assembly of the main cylinder
6.2.12. Removal and installation of a forward brake disk Check of a brake disk and components of the brake mechanism
6.2.13. Replacement of front brake shoes
6.2.14. Removal and installation of the back disk brake mechanism
6.2.15. Check of the parking brake system
6.2.16. Removal, check and installation of the back sensor of speed of a wheel of ABS
6.2.17. Removal and installation of the hydraulic block of anti-blocking system of brakes
6.3. Tables
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body


6-2-12-1-proverka-tormoznogo-diska-i-komponentov-tormoznogo-mekhanizma.html Check of a brake disk and components of the brake mechanism

Check whether there is no corrosion, wear and damage on internal walls of the cylinder. If necessary replace the cylinder case. Eliminate the insignificant defects caused by corrosion or foreign particles with grinding of a surface a small emery cloth. Check whether there is no corrosion, wear and damage on the surface of the piston, the directing finger, a boot of the directing finger and a surface of a brake disk. If necessary replace the corresponding component.

Fig. 6.39. Drawing tags on a bolt of a nave and a brake disk

Mark a bolt of a nave of a wheel and a brake disk before removal for the subsequent installation (fig. 6.39).
Turn off a bolt of fastening and remove a brake hose.
Uncover the directing pin and a pin.

Fig. 6.40. Measurement of thickness of a brake disk

By means of a micrometer measure thickness of a brake disk (fig. 6.40).
Standard thickness: 26 mm.
Minimum thickness: 24 mm.
Replace a disk if thickness of a disk is less minimum admissible.
Fix a brake disk on a wheel nave by wheel nuts (in two places or more).

Fig. 6.41. Check of a beating of a disk by means of the indicator

Check a beating the indicator (fig. 6.41).
Measurement point:
– at distance of 10 mm from an external edge of a disk.
Maximum beating: 0,05 mm or less.

Before carrying out measurement be convinced that the axial side play is equal to 0 mm.

If a beating considerable, find a point of the minimum beating, consistently displacing the provision of installation of a brake disk on a nave on one opening.
Remove a rust or dirt from the surface of contact of a brake disk and a nave of a wheel.
Establish a brake disk and level the tags made before removal.

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6.2.12. Removal and installation of a forward brake disk
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6.2.13. Replacement of front brake shoes